
Wonder Anew is a listening and question-guided practice for exploring personal difficulty. 

Troubled? What to do? As scared, angry, awful or confused as you might feel, look at your difficulty. Get curious.

Tim Olmsted tells a story about a child who comes crying to a parent in the night about a monster under the bed. Instead of admonishing the child to stop crying, ignore, or dismiss the problem as silly, he reminds us that we can hold our crying child and then look under the bed to face the monster.

Facing the monster is how we begin.

Wonder Anew is a similar invitation. Only we hold ourselves with loving tenderness as we look at our difficulty. Amazing as it seems, Tim says the act of looking is like getting a flashlight to see what our mind creates and can transform.

From a larger perspective, Wonder Anew is an optimistic listening practice. We listen to ourselves as we unravel and explore life experiences with warmth and kindness. We start with ourselves to become better listeners to others.

Image copyright, TAK Do-yeon. TAK was the first person who shared her response to The Questions. Read more here.