I don’t talk unless I have to at school. I feel like part of me is lost at school.
What feelings arise?
I feel awkward.
I feel like I’m not here when I’m with my friends.
I feel agitated. Like I’m supposed to know something and I don’t.
I’m afraid to speak because I don’t know what to say.
How does it affect you?
I feel unconfident. I do things that I don’t really want to do because I want my friends to like me.
What is your part?
I could talk but I don’t.
What are you learning about yourself, others, the situation?
I’m uncomfortable talking and eating at school. I get a stomachache when I eat lunch at school.
I talk at home. My family thinks I’m a comedian. I like to make them laugh.
I eat at home. But, I also feel anxious around my mom sometimes.
I think my friends are not interested in me. I’m afraid to talk to them.
What can you shift or turn around in your beliefs, thinking, words, or actions?
I could stop worrying what my friends think.
Not eat at school and accept that I don’t like to.
How will you work with your difficulty?
I’ll think about why I feel afraid to talk at school.
What do you think your difficulty is trying to teach?
That I'm afraid. Losing my voice is a problem and affects how I am with friends.
16 years, female