I see...
I see black pen line drawings. The dots and ovals and lines suggest faces/People. I see three distinct papers(?). The paper is like a faded Yellow or ivory-ish color contrasting with the dark of the lines. – Michael Nelson
A see a smiling person and two people shouting at her and she is covered by shouts and in the last, the shouters are smiling and she’s gone. I see that they sort of shouted her head off because her head disappeared at the neck, that’s how violent it was. They sort of destroyed her. Without your head you can’t live. - anonymous
I see cruelty in the form of belittling and bullying another and smiling afterward... Sorry not very pleasant images to me. - Vicki Bennett
I see a primitive and mysterious Triptych. A few lines creating complexity and contradiction. Ominous smiles.
The music in my head is that old classic: Smile though your heart is aching, smile even though it's breaking, although a tear may be ever so near... and it goes on... – Marilyn Murray
I see 3 papers equally vertically spaced from one another, with the same primitive circle for a head, 2 dots for eyes, and a curved line representing a smile with two lines under, representing the neck. I see the second picture on each paper has the same head, eyes, smile, and neck as above, and on the far left there is a person added which is depicted as a circle for a head, 2 dots for eyes, and a circle with lines protruding from it which represent yelling. However, this head has a primitive body which is many lines together. Because the lines come from the mouth through the head, for me it means that the words from the person are meant for the head. The middle picture has what appears as another head with a body as previously described on the first picture, and this one has the lines from each of the heads going through the circle with dots for eyes and smile. The third picture working from left to write is the same as the first of the second except that the person is on the left side instead of the right. Now to describe the bottom of each of the three pictures. The far left, the head has been drawn to the left side of the neck and turned sideways. – Shaun Hoyle
I see three panels that each have a stick figure that is a face with pencil dot eyes and a smile. The face has legs—a backward letter L and a regular L. Below the first figure in each panel is the same figure with a second figure. The second figure has a head with a body made from an elongated oval. From its head are horizontal lines, sort of like 3 crescendo marks tucked inside each other from the same vertex. The first panel has decrescendo extending into the first face figure. The second panel has two figures with a crescendo on the left, decrescendo on the right, and the lines meeting on the circle figure. The last panel has a figure on the left with only crescendo across the face of circle character. The bottom of each panel has the two figures, but circle person is altered. In the first panel, the circle person falls left, center circle is squashed to a small line, and in the last, circle person leans right. At first, I thought circle person was being blasted by robed yelling people and the blast changed the person’s stability, but not the expression in the outer panels. I thought the speakers could be judges or priests. – Lurline Speer DuPree
I see three vertical panels. Each panel has three drawings. There are nine drawings all together. Each panel has a smiling face in the top row. In the second row, one or two people seem to shout at a person. In the bottom row, that person's head is knocked off in the left and right panels and in the middle panel, the head is not there at all. I think these drawings are about the destructive potential of language. We can destroy one another with words. – Terry Barrett
I see a picture of a person being talked to till he loses his head. – Sharon Chansen
I see three panels with fun drawings. In the first, a person is using x-ray vision to see though thru a person and then the person falls over In the second, two people are looking at the person and they seem to make the head vaporize and in the last there is another person on the left side using their powers which let the head of the person fall over, without much complaint! – Andi Larsen
I see a smiling stick person. Someone seems to be radiating energy onto the person and the energy lays them flat. I think the happy figure is receiving an energy (could be positive or negative) from the person and it's taken a toll on it. – Melissa Cooper
Image credit: Killing with words, Artist, Huang He.